Inspire award Manak project is an initiative by Department of science and technology. DST to encourage scientific temper among students and to promote inventions and scientific ideas, which can help the community to progress, launched this program.

Students of class sixth to tenth can participate in this program, provide that their school have registered in the program. To check whether your school is registered or not, you can enter the U-DICE code of your school and check it.

Every school should register in this program so that their students can participate, learn, and grow through this.

The project also provides awards and perks to the winners a certificate and sum amount of 10,000 Rs; this will encourage children to involve in innovative and practical approach towards finding solutions to the problems.

Follow the step below to register your school in the project and to participate in Inspire award project.

  1. Open your browser
  2. Search INSPIRE AWARD PROJECT or visit

You will reach the homepage looking like this.


  1. As the website opens, scroll down to find link named “SCHOOL AUTHORITY”

As shown below.


  1. Click on the option of “For New Registration- Click Here”
  2. Enter 11-digit U-DICE code of your school and submit it.
  3. Fill all the required details of your school and submit it.
  4. Once you submit the details, you will receive a mail providing you a user ID and password

Note: If you don’t receive a mail regarding the same then contact DO office of your district, they will help you to get the user id and password.

  1. Log in with the username and password, to proceed for the student nomination in the program.
  2. Click on “Student nomination” and you can nominate maximum 5 students only per school.
  3. For every nominated student, you will have to fill in all the particulars and details of the student in the form.

Keep the photograph, Aadhaar card, Bank passbook and Idea of the student beforehand with you to upload in the form.

  1. Fill all the details of student, make sure you fill it correctly, the name and all other information should match in all the documents and your school records as well. Note that the bank passbook uploaded must belong to the student only and not of any family members, the name in passbook should match with the name in the form.
  2. Once you fill all the details submit the form and upload all the documents after reading all the instructions and then save and next, to fill the form of another student in the same way.
  3. You can click on the “View nominated students by the school” option to see the list of nominated students. You can add students later into the list if you didn’t fill forms of total 5 students earlier. Make sure every row in the list is in green color, then only it will be accepted as completed otherwise the red color indicates that the form of student was incomplete.
  4. Select appropriate option for the “Science lab in school” given below the list and give the detail.
  5. Click save & continue.

And the form is submitted.

Later, the school will have to fill the details as to why they selected the student, explaining in not more than 100 words. Fill in the other details asked about school, teacher and the authority and click save.

The form has finally been saved. You can see the application status now. You can view and edit the forms or can also forward the application to the management for approval.

You will further get acknowledgment by generate acknowledgement option and save it with you.

Once you have submitted the nominations, the department will check and judge all the nominations.

Then you will receive the mail if your students get selected for the award project.

The department organizes a camp for the selected students, where your student will have to go and take the project related to their submitted idea along with them.

All the students will be judged based on their project. 10,000 Rs will be transferred to the account of the further selected candidates and a certificate will also be provided to them.

Thanks for learning with us, if you want to gather more details about the program, you can visit their official website to know more.

You can checkout our website and YouTube channel for inspirations for your projects.

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